Will my Arden Hills membership be transferred to LifeTime?

No. The sale to LifeTime was a real property only sale. The business that operates as Arden Hills was not part of the transaction. Arden Hills will cease operations as of Dec 31st, 2023. LifeTime will provide more information on how to join.

When will I receive my final bill from Arden Hills?

For members in good standing, Dec 31st will be the last issued bill from Arden Hills. Your last dues charge will be on Dec 1st (since dues are billed 30 days in advance), and all remaining member initiated charges will be billed on Dec 31st.

I have a Food & Beverage minimum. When will the last Food & Beverage Minimum be charged?

The last billing will be on Dec 31st, 2023. Your final Food & Beverage Minimum will be tallied and the remainder charged on that bill.

I have a Member Benefit Credit. Will I be refunded my Member Benefits Credit?

Yes. Any remaining charges will draw down on your credit, and the remaining balance will be refunded to you within 30 days of the final billing. Terms and conditions apply.

I have unused Gift Cards. What can I do with them?

Gift cards can be used as normal until the end of the year. In 2024 and beyond, gift cards will still be able to be redeemed at the Villa at Arden Hills, or you can apply for a refund. (The process for refunding gift cards is not yet established but will be posted here near the end of this year.)

Is the initiation fee refundable?

All initiation fee's are non-refundable.

I paid my dues annually. Will I be refunded the remainder of my dues?

Yes. The remaining balance of your dues will be calculated from Dec 31st, 2023 and refunded to you within 30 days.